Health and Care Research Wales
Exhibiting at Booth 8
Health and Care Research Wales is a Wales wide organisation funded and overseen by the Welsh Government’s Research and Development Division.
The aim of Health and Care Research Wales is to increase the amount of high quality research and development that takes place in NHS Wales.
Health and Care Research Wales provides infrastructure and funding to support and increase capacity for Research and Development within NHS Wales.
We provide a number of key services to industry so that research in Wales can be setup and delivered in a streamlined and efficient way:
-Early feedback on commercial projects/studies
-Wales-wide feasibility service (which links in with the UK wide site identification service)
-Study setup and oversight support
-Support with Investigator engagement
-Support with contract and costing negotiations (using a 'once for Wales 'approach to setup of multi-site studies in NHS Wales).
-Health and Care Research Wales also run a range of research funding schemes and manage the NHS R&D funding allocation which is provided to Health Boards and Trusts in Wales to increase clinical research activity.
Matthew Harris
Cluster LeadJayne Jones
Rachel Nelson
Industry Research Coordinator
Health Innovation Research Alliance Northern Ireland (HIRANI)
The Health Innovation Research Alliance Northern Ireland (HIRANI) was established in 2019 as an alliance between Queen’s University Belfast, Ulster University, The Department of Health, The Department for the Economy and Industry. The objectives for HIRANI are to provide a single point of contact for external collaborators to be able to understand areas of research and innovation excellence in Northern Ireland with a view to collaboration and investment. In addition, HIRANI will drive increased collaboration and research coordination within the health and life science community within Northern Ireland.
HIRANI has a bold ambition to bring together the component strengths within Northern Ireland, provide leadership and focus and as a result drive prosperity and improve patient outcomes within the region.